Thursday, June 5, 2014

Opening a new chapter……
Most people cringe when they speak of change but I’m embracing this change. I’m calling this my year of evolution. Yes, I know that technically the New Year starts January 1st but as a teacher I claim the right to call June 5th the start of my new year. Yep, I even made it official by toasting with my friends.

After devouring my much needed fat girl food and drinks, I created the mother of all summer bucket lists. The kind of list that’s sure to make my neighbors wonder and friends confirm that yep she’s crazy. So here is my Year of Evolution Summer Bucket List……

#1. Build a stronger spiritual foundation. I am so blessed and I need to make sure that I am living a life that sets an example for others.

#2. Take daily photos to create my very own “Happy” video. If I’m able to put it all together into a video I’ll definitely be one happy girl. We all need reminders of why our lives are so immensely blessed so why not a video?

#3. Start my very own baking business. I’m finally going to take the plunge and go for it. I love working in my lab so I might as well supplement my large income from teaching.  This plunge will include super cute logo from Emily @ Banner Expres, business cards by and the worlds cutest aprons from Stickers toStitches. Check out my Facebook page to see a few of my creations @Jess BakesCakes SC.

#4. Tackle the Lowcountry Educator Pass. This one will probably be the easiest as I love to visit historical sites. I recently visited the Old Sheldon Church Ruins in Yemassee. It’s such a beautiful place to sit, reflect and enjoy spending time with friends. Check out my photography skills..I’ve learned so much from Sirena @ Aneris Photography. She’s a great teacher but an even better photographer.

#5 This probably should be #1 but I’ll leave it a #5. GET ORGANIZED! I’ve tried and failed so many times but this year will be different. I started with the de-clutterization (yes, I did just make a new word) of my work space. I’m now working on my home space. The boxes of randomness must go! Yes, that includes the shoulder pad dresses from my grandma and the shoes that make my body go into convulsions just looking at. It all must go! I think I’ll donate them to the local dump as I don’t want to punish anyone else with designs of this sort.

#6. Start putting myself first. For years, I’ve purposely put myself dead last and it shows. It’s time making others value me by starting with myself. I must get my health in gear. I love going to a prompt care physician because it’s quick and easy.  After 11 years of living in Charleston, I need a regular physician. I also need to stop winning the couch Olympics and get my caboose in gear. If my mom saw me right now she wouldn't claim me as her child and I don’t blame her. I think Tabitha would definitely let me be a part of her salon takeover. I’m in need of the works. Maybe even a visit from my fairy godmother.

#7.  Read….I’m  constantly on top of my students’ to read and yet I don’t do nearly enough myself. So I’m challenging myself to read more and watch television less. I’m addicted to all things social and drama related (oi).

#8. Plan for my future…..It’s time to stop living in the moment and brushing things under the rug and plan for my margarita Sundays when I retire early.

Just writing this list makes me wonder if I’m insane but I've got to remember my new stolen saying…..I've got a dream that’s worth more than my sleep(Big Sean). I’m excited about starting my year of evolution. What are your plans?